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Robert es mucho más activo que yo; puede caminar 10 millas sin cansarse. These are the main conclusions of the first Aviation Convention 2013, held in Cologne.
Die im Bericht gesetzten Ziele sind ehrgeizig und innovativ. Einerseits erweiterten wir unser großes Sortiment, um individuellen Ansprüchen besser gerecht werden zu können. Anmerkungen: This problem is of course far worse within the Arab world, where there are few resources available and most of these are in English or French. English Near the village of Sagri, in the area of Giroulas, excavations have brought to light the remains of an ancient temple dedicated to goddess Dimitra.
Ehrgeiz translation English - Martin in Anderten in ecumenical partnership.
Der Bericht Salafranca ergeizig insgesamt sehr einleuchtend und recht ehrgeizig. The Salafranca report is, ergeizig speaking, very comprehensive and quite ambitious. Diese Ziele sind sehr wünschenswert und sehr ehrgeizig. These effects are much to be desired and very ambitious. Du bist wunderschön, ehrgeizig, intelligent. Unsere auf dieser Zusammenfassung gestützten Wachstumspläne sind recht ehrgeizig. Based on this summary, our growth plans should be ambitious. Die im Bericht gesetzten Ziele sind ehrgeizig und innovativ. The aims set out in the report are ambitious and innovative. David ist ehrgeizig und doch sympathisch locker. David is ambitious and, nevertheless, sympathetically at ease. With Reverso you can find the German translation, definition or synonym for ehrgeizig and thousands of other words. You can ergeizig the translation of ehrgeizig given by the German-English Collins dictionary with other dictionaries: Wikipedia, Lexilogos, Langenscheidt, Duden, Wissen, Oxford, Collins dictionaries.
Wie viel Ehrgeiz ist gesund?
Archived from on March 9, 2012. Anmerkungen: This problem is of course far worse within the Arab world, where there are few resources available and most of these are in English or French. He is also a member of the Ehrgeiz supervising committee. In various areas of employment, a larger number of skilled workers are being certified to a higher standard, with greater relevance to the needs of the respective employment sectors. Deutsche Shell sees their participation in the project as first step towards the realization of their ambitious plans related to hydrogen as energy carrier. With the recent death of his master, Inoba discovers a note left behind by the late Schneider which suggests that he had been investigating the connection between the stone embedded within the Ehrgeiz and the ancient ruins. It has scored a 32 out of 40 points by the Japanese gaming publication. Perhaps the most noteworthy feature of the game is the inclusion of characters from. Although she is relatively independent, she is still considered naïve. The Commission has a total lack of ambition in this regard. Karl-Henrik would like me more ambitious.